Monday, August 22, 2011

Until then...

I was more than blessed each morning we met, but at this time my plate is too full.  Editing "Homemaking 101" and trying to get it finished up this week is taking all the extra time I have (I will be at it again as soon as I hit the "publish post" button for this, and its 4:30am).

Caring for my husband, children and home are my priorities.   Not to mention we started school back up 2 weeks ago.  What I'm trying to say is that something has to go, and this is it.  There is simply not enough room right now. 

That being said, I would be thrilled to start again sometime, when life is less busy.  I would love to have a set time, but I just don't know when it will be.  September? October? Next January?  I don't know.

I will keep you posted though!  And when we do start back up, you'll be the first to know!

Many blessings to you all, and weary not in well doing!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pamela Spurling

This morning Pamela Spurling of The Welcome Home was our guest speaker.

You can listen HERE

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Through Fiery Trials

Michelle from She Looketh Well was our guest speaker on Wednesday, August 3.

Listen HERE.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Helping your Family through Financial Hardship

I've got this morning's webinar is up!  Kelly Crawford from Generation Cedar was our guest speaker.  Thank you Kelly!!

Listen HERE